
Reflective Logs and Portfolio

1 Be able to create and maintain a purposeful reflective log  1.1. Design  the format of a reflective log to support own learning      I have created a portfolio which will be used to collate my work across the year. I have choses a dark and scary style and theme of my blog. The reason why I have chosen the theme(background) is because I've always liked my movies, Games or books that were dark, violent and tragic because it always leave an imresstion and me and the audience and it makes us examine ourselves. The color is of the backdrop is a dark navy blue. The reason why I chosen that colour is because blue can mean darkness or sadness. I have chosen a white and bold font because in dark and tragic stories, there is always either I light hared ending and a hope for there protagonist, almost like a light to guide them on there journey. So I wanted to show a light font to guide the readers ...

3.1/3.2/3.3/3.4- Identifying appropriate playback software and display device, and adjusting settings to meet needs

I playback my short film using VLC player on the iMac desktop. The reason why I have chosen VLC player can play videos at any formats such as MPEG's, audio files or text files. As a class we view our short films on the Philips BDL6524ET to play then back. It has a 65 edge LED backlit with Full HD. We link the iMac and the Philips BDL6524ET with a HDMI cable and set the smart picture to cinema mode. The reason why we use cinema mode is because it is the most accurate depiction to what the director intended to what the film should look like.

2.1/2.2/2.3/2.4- Use video software tools to combine and edit sequences

I fixed on a iPhone 8, so the first thing I did was connect mu USB charger into the phone and the iMac and then import my videos onto the Mac. I eat save them onto my toshiba memory stick and ready to transfer onto Premiere Pro. I used some effect for the the final info title which fave out then the credits start to roll. I used the razor toll to separate parts of  the soundtrack and lower the volume so that the audience know what the protagonists are saying.  When I finished editing, I the rendered the film and films sound and effects until and red bar turns green. This photo above show a green bar to show that it has rendered. Finally export the film in the format H.264. H.264 is the most commonly used format for exporting and can export quality up to 8k, UHD, 8192x4320 resolution.

4. Integrating Diegetic and Non- Diegetic sound into a video project

I first imported the sound effects and soundtrack my copying the embed codes onto a mp4 downloader. Next, you download the like as an mp4 which then will be saved onto iTunes and then you can drag it onto your desktop. Next I moved the sound files(saved as mp4) on to Premiere pro ready to edit. Nest I unlinked the sound and stated to edit there and soundtrack and sound effects will go. While editing, I changed the volume by right clicking and the audio I wand to edit and changed the volume to the audience could hear the dialogue. I used the time codes to show at what point I should use the sound effects the the right time to make then effective.

1.4- Store and retrieve sequences used pre-set file formats

I used the Iphone 8 to record the short film. The video files are stored onto the phone gallery after being recorded. After filming the footage you want, you use a USB shared and plug them in your phone and then the Mac and a app pops up onto the Mac and then you press import and then select the photo or videos you want to import. After importing the footage, you can either drag it onto the desktop you a memory stick. I moved the footage onto my memory stick. After saving my footage onto my memory stick, I then opened Premiere pro and select new project. After that I go onto My toshiba memory stick and drag my footage onto Premiere pro ready to edit.

5. Reviewing strengths and weaknesses of my sound sourcing and sound creation

One strength on scoring my audio was it was easy find and was easy to find what kind of sounds I wanted to find that would be suitable for the film. One thing I could improve on was to make sure that the sound was non-copy righted as I tried editing my video I realized its copyrighted. One strength on creating my own sounds was that it was an easy process. Just a few simple knocks on a door. One I could imrpove on is to make sure I could add morem of my foly sound into my film. I feel like I could of addad more into it. One thing that went well while editing the sound into my film was unliking the sound and diciding where it is going to go and how suitible it was. The areas I could improve on in future projects is to add more Foley sound and add more then just a knock on the door.

1.2/1.3- Use video hardware and software to capture sequences: Use input devices and video software, and identifying file formats

The first step I did when filming it a went onto the iPhone 8 camera and swiped to the left and the video camera. I filmed the video in full hd, 1080p at 30fps. I tapped on the screen to show where the camera wants me to focus on while recording. I pressed the red button on the tough screen to start recording the then press. I adjusted the quality of the fog by going to the phone settings. I transferred the footy via USB charger with will e plugged into the phone and the iMac. I first imported the footage onto the Mac and then dragged the footed into my memory stick. the video format for the iPhone 8 is MPEG-4 and can go up to 2.5 Mbps with 640x480 pixels with 30-60fps with the audio saved on an mp4. This is a photograph of what the settings for the camera resolution looks like.