Reflective Logs and Portfolio
1 Be able to create and maintain a purposeful reflective log 1.1. Design the format of a reflective log to support own learning I have created a portfolio which will be used to collate my work across the year. I have choses a dark and scary style and theme of my blog. The reason why I have chosen the theme(background) is because I've always liked my movies, Games or books that were dark, violent and tragic because it always leave an imresstion and me and the audience and it makes us examine ourselves. The color is of the backdrop is a dark navy blue. The reason why I chosen that colour is because blue can mean darkness or sadness. I have chosen a white and bold font because in dark and tragic stories, there is always either I light hared ending and a hope for there protagonist, almost like a light to guide them on there journey. So I wanted to show a light font to guide the readers ...